Is your family protected in the event of your death or injury? In San Bernardino, estate planning lawyer Eloy Aguirre is helping some of the same communities that have benefited from his immigration work build legacies and generational wealth.
If the Law Office of Attorney Eloy Aguirre is positioned almost exactly halfway between the heart of San Bernardino and Los Angeles, it is not a coincidence. Both cities are part of the greater LA area with a very high density of immigrant populations, especially Latino and Hispanic families. The perfect place for attorney Eloy Aguirre to have made a name for himself as an effective and compassionate immigration attorney.
However, immigration services are not the only legal advice and guidance Aguirre offers; he has also increasingly been sought after by local families, especially among the Hispanic and Filipino populations of LA and San Bernardino, as an estate planning lawyer.
Not only is building and passing on wealth all the more important for foreign-born families, but immigrant families face unique difficulties with estate planning that attorney Aguirre is perfectly positioned to help them tackle.
San Bernardino has always been a heavily Spanish-speaking area; arguably, it started out as such as the first European settlements were Mexican outposts and missions. That quickly changed, however, when the United States took over. At that point, different immigrants began to change the landscape and dynamics, starting with Mormon farmers, gold rush hopefuls, and even some of the first Asian American immigrants in the late 1800s.
In the last couple of decades, however, the area has been marked by a distinct departure of “white” residents in favor of, for the most part, Latino and Hispanic communities. At the same time, areas like Loma Linda or Redlands have seen growing Filipino and other asian-american communities, augmented by plenty of foreign-born and first-generation immigrants like those Eloy Aguirre helps to acquire green cards and visas every year.
But now those communities, often noted for their youth, are starting to age, families are growing and joining, kids are heading off to university while houses slowly start to be paid off. Wealth is building up in San Bernardino, but to do so, estate planning needs to be a priority. Estate planning can be more complicated for immigrant families, however, for a number of reasons.
While not every resident in San Bernardino will struggle with all of the following problems, they are examples of systemic difficulties faced by many, especially among more recently immigrated families.
From probate courts to understanding and filling out documents, language barriers can all too easily lead to errors, some of which can cost families more than just their time.
Gifts from or to foreign nationals can further complicate both estate planning and probate administration of estates, adding tax considerations, foreign banks and regulations, and other headaches most estate planning attorneys in the LA area might not be familiar with.
With the rising cost of rent and housing, combined with differing cultural norms, Hispanic, Latino And Asian-American families are nearly twice as likely to live in multigenerational homes. This can complicate inheritance, beneficiary designations, and wills, leading to more conflicts over property attributions during probate.
These are just some of the problems families in San Bernardino deal with when trying to plan their estates or administer estates. These are problems that estate planning attorneys like Eloy Aguirre, who are familiar with both immigration law and estate planning laws and their overlap, help them tackle daily.
In addition to Spanish-speaking legal advocacy in estate planning and other fields, Eloy Aguirre offers a wide range of comprehensive estate planning services adapted to the needs and means of San Bernardino residents:
From essential wills and trusts to other important documents like powers of attorney, formal documents are the backbone of estate planning in California. These are your ways to ensure that your wishes are protected and carried out in the event of your death or incapacitation.
The Filipino community in San Bernardino is highly represented in the medical industry and is especially vital in hospitals like Arrowhead Regional and elder care centers throughout the city. But that only means they are on the front lines for some of the tragedies and conflicts that happen daily in healthcare when people are incapacitated without adequate estate planning documents to protect their wishes.
Fortunately, documents like an advance healthcare directive or healthcare powers of attorney can be set up with the help of an estate planning lawyer to ensure your wishes are protected, and you do not end up being one of the tragic stories of family conflict.
When it comes to passing on wealth, far too many dreams are cut short or curtailed at the death of a loved one. Assets can be siphoned off during probate, businesses passed on to unworthy individuals, and taxes nibble at everything you want to pass on. Estate planning attorneys like Eloy Aguirre are highly experienced in using the many tools at your disposal to limit these losses and maximize what you pass on.
If you have lost a loved one in San Bernardino, chances are you are already too familiar with the Superior Court of San Bernardino where probate takes place. Unfortunately, that also likely means you have firsthand experience of the headache probate, and estate administration can be, at best, a costly snarl at worst. Fortunately, you do not have to go through it alone if you reach out to experienced estate planning professionals like Eloy Aguirre.
The Law Offices Of Eloy Aguirre | Lawyers proudly serving San Bernardino residents for all your estate planning and immigration needs.
San Bernardino is far from the wealthiest of California’s cities, but it is one of the most vibrant and diverse. Its residents deserve to see their wealth and legacy grow and live up to the region's rich history.
That cannot be done while neglecting the ever-important step of estate planning.
So, if you are looking to protect your family, cement your wishes, or establish a legacy in San Bernardino, call estate planning lawyer Eloy Aguirre today at (626) 900-1714 or book a consultation online in English or Spanish.